Koop's blog for Lawyerin', Racin', Fishin', Guitar Pickin', and such.
Sunday, April 24, 2005
Jeff Burton finishes 3rd . . .
All my other picks finished well down the list. Jason Leffler broke my heart again by spinning out in the 13th lap and never coming back. DEI showed up in a big way. It was fun watching Mikey Waltrip chase Kurt Busch across the finish line.
Attorney at Supance & Howard in Tiffin. (419) 447-2521. martinkoop@martinkoop.com, B.A. University of Toledo in 1993, J.D. from UT law school in 1998.
Former Tiffin City Prosecutor. Earned certificates from the Ohio State Highway Patrol in Crash Investigation and Electronic Speed Measuring Devices (RADAR and LIDAR).
I live in Tiffin and enjoy spending time with my wild boys Ethan and Ryan.